Official sCloud Documentation for Developers.          Version: 3.1      Get the SDK

Category: Account

GET /account_info

SDK | php
$sCloud->API('account_info');//json format
//or individual account info
$sCloud->API('account_info')['username'];//json format
[account_info] raw JSON response - example values.
php javascript ajax java
"creation_date":"2024-02-18 17:41:32",

view raw
storage_used Holds the users storage amount in available bytes.
username holds the username of the authorized account.
fname hold the users first name.
lname holds the users last name.
creation_date holds a timestamp of when the account was created.
verified account verified 0=no 1=yes.
account_type holds the user account type either a 1 for a FREE account or 3 for a PREMIUM account depending on what account type the user holds.
if a 3 is present then there will be other values in the response, this will include premium_start and premium_expire timestamps.
email Holds the users registered (alias) email address, (note this is not the real address but an sCloud issued email id) this helps protect the users email address.
iso_lang ISO language code of registered user.
devices integer of connected device count, you can use the account_devices API Endpoint to retrieve more information on the connected devices.
ref_id returns the referal id if any of the referer service or user..

Category: Account

POST /account_create

email: valid email address, otherwise. an error may be thrown.
username: create a username for this account.
password: md5() password hash or Plain text.
first_name: first name of new user account.
last_name: last name of new user account.
iso_lang: (OPTIONAL) ISO language code of new user account.
ref_id: (OPTIONAL) referer id usually yourself or your registered application (prefered value).
If not set then the referer id of the Developer/creator of the application will be used by sCloud's API.
SDK | php
$sCloud->API('account_create',$new_account_values);//json format
[account_create] raw JSON Object response - example values.
php javascript ajax java
view raw
result if 1 then account was created successfully else if a 0 is present then there was an error creating an account, if so there should also be an error code returned
(refer to our error codes for more information on error codes).
created timestamp of when the account was created.

NOTE: Account verification is required in order to be able to use this newly created account, upon creating an account with this API call (/account_create) sCloud will automatically send an email to the registered email address asking to verify their account.

Category: Account

GET /account_delete

SDK | php
$sCloud->API('account_delete',(delete_token));//json format
[account_delete] raw JSON response.
php javascript ajax java
{ "result":"1"}"
view raw
result 1=success, 0=error.

Category: Account

GET /account_devices

Int Limit the amount of devices to display.
SDK | php
$sCloud->API('account_devices',10);//Limit to just 10 devices

//or to get individual values
[account_devices] raw JSON response.
php javascript ajax java
"1":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
"2":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
"5":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
"6":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
"7":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
"9":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
"10":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36",


view raw
result 1=data available, 0=no data to display.
count Connected device count.
error 1=success, 0=error.
device_name Device name of the connected device.
ip Ip address of when this device connected/signed in to sCloud

Category: Account

GET /account_refs

SDK | php

$sCloud->API('account_refs');//json format
[account_refs] raw JSON response - example values.
php javascript ajax java
view raw
result if 1 then data is available else if a 0 is present then no data available meaning no referers yet for this account).
refs int count of referers for the account that is authorized with your application.

Category: Cloud

POST /cloud_archive

File file path to archive.
encryption security encryption method (AES-256).
SDK | php
$folder_to_archive="Files/BusinessInvoices";//example path replace with your actusl scloud file path.
[cloud_archive] raw JSON response - example values.
php javascript ajax java
view raw
result 1 success, 0 error/failure.
error holds a error code if any.
filename name of the file or files that was successfully uploaded.

Category: Cloud

POST /cloud_audio

File file path to archive.
encryption security encryption method (AES-256).
SDK | php
$folder_to_archive="Files/BusinessInvoices";//example path replace with your actusl scloud file path.
[cloud_archive] raw JSON response - example values.
php javascript ajax java
view raw
result 1 success, 0 error/failure.
error holds a error code if any.
filename name of the file or files that was successfully uploaded.

Category: Cloud

POST /cloud_download

File the file or files that are to be uploaded. Multiple files can also be downloaded in just 1 call. encryption security encryption method (AES-256).
SDK | php
[cloud_upload] raw JSON response - example values.
php javascript ajax java
view raw
result 1 success, 0 error/failure.
error holds a error code if any.
filename name of the file or files that was successfully uploaded.

Category: Cloud

POST /cloud_upload

File the file or files that are being uploaded. Multiple files can also be uploaded in just 1 call.
encryption security encryption method (AES-256).
type Upload type, (File) or (os) for object storage.
SDK | php
[cloud_upload] raw JSON response - example values.
php javascript ajax java
view raw
result 1 success, 0 error/failure.
error holds a error code if any.
filename name of the file or files that was successfully uploaded.